Troubleshooting: DNS Resolution Failed
| October 26, 2021
All Longhorn versions.
The longhorn-driver-deployer or longhorn-csi-plugin or longhorn-ui Pods unable to access the longhorn manager backend http://longhorn-backend:9500/v1.
The CoreDNS of the Kubernetes cluster is unable to resolve the longhorn-backend service, causing the DNS resolution to fail.
kubectl get service longhorn-backend -n longhorn-system
kubectl get pod -l app=longhorn-manager -n longhorn-system
kubectl get pod -n kube-system
kubectl exec -it <longhorn-manager-pod-name> -- nslookup longhorn-backend
to k3s or rke2 env files on all nodes, then restart the k3s or rke2 server/agent service.
flag to point to the correct resolv.conf
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