Important Notes

This page lists important notes for Longhorn v1.3.3. Please see here for the full release note.


  1. We introduce a new setting Node Drain Policy which will deprecate the old setting Allow Node Drain with the Last Healthy Replica, so it is recommended to keep the old setting Allow Node Drain with the Last Healthy Replica as default false value and use the new setting Node Drain Policy which has more options and controls.
  2. Please ensure your Kubernetes cluster is at least v1.18 and at most v1.24 before upgrading to Longhorn v1.3.3 because the supported Kubernetes version has been updated (>= v1.18 and <= v1.24) in v1.3.3.
  3. After the upgrade, the recurring job settings of volumes will be migrated to new recurring job resources, and the RecurringJobs field in the volume spec will be deprecated. [doc]
  4. When upgrading from a Longhorn version >= 1.2.0 and <= v1.2.3 to v1.3.3, if your cluster has many backups, you may expect to have a long upgrade time (with 22000 backups, it could take a few hours). Helm upgrade may timeout and you may need to re-run the upgrade command or set a longer timeout. This is a known issue
  5. There are two important fixes that will prevent rarely potential data corruption during replica rebuilding, and also improve write performance via the specific filesystem block size.
    • 4354: Introduce Data Alignment Correction for existing volumes if the filesystem block size is less than 4096.
    • 4594: Use the specific block size for the filesystem to avoid unnecessary Ready-Modify-Write operations between volume head and snapshots.
  6. After the upgrade, the behavior of the recurring job types Snapshot and Backup will attempt to delete old snapshots first if they exceed the retained count before creating a new snapshot. Additionally, two new recurring job types have been introduced, Snapshot Force Create and Backup Force Create. They retain the original behavior of taking a snapshot or backup first before deleting outdated snapshots.

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