Here we cover how to upgrade to latest Longhorn from all previous releases.
There are normally two steps in the upgrade process: first upgrade Longhorn manager to the latest version, then manually upgrade the Longhorn engine to the latest version using the latest Longhorn manager.
After Longhorn Manager is upgraded, Longhorn Engine also needs to be upgraded using the Longhorn UI.
Since Longhorn v1.1.1, we provide an option to help you automatically upgrade engines
Note: There is a bug in the instance manager image
shipped in Longhorn v1.1.0 and v1.1.1 which can lead to a deadlock in a big cluster with hundreds of volumes. See more details here. Longhorn v1.1.2 is shipped with a new instance manager imagev1_20210621
which fixed the deadlock but engine/replica processes of volumes don’t migrate from the old instance manager to the new instance manager until the next time the volumes are detached/attached. Longhorn does it because we don’t want to interrupt the data plane of the volumes.If you hit the deadlock in the old instance manager, please follow the recovering steps here
Visit Some old instance manager pods are still running after upgrade for more information about the cleanup strategy of instance manager pods during upgrade.
If you have any issues, please report it at https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn/issues and include your backup yaml files as well as manager logs.
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