Recovering from a Longhorn Backup without System Installed

This command gives users the ability to restore a backup to a raw image or a qcow2 image. If the backup is based on a backing file, users should provide the backing file as a qcow2 image with --backing file parameter.

  1. Copy the yaml template: Make a copy of examples/restore_to_file.yaml.template as e.g. restore.yaml.

  2. Set the node which the output file should be placed on by replacing <NODE_NAME>, e.g. node1.

  3. Specify the host path of output file by modifying field hostpath of volume disk-directory. By default the directory is /tmp/restore/.

  4. Set the first argument (backup url) by replacing <BACKUP_URL>, e.g. s3://<your-bucket-name>@<your-aws-region>/backupstore?backup=<backup-name>&volume=<volume-name>.

    • <backup-name> and <volume-name> can be retrieved from backup.cfg stored in the backup destination folder, e.g. backup_backup-72bcbdad913546cf.cfg. The content will be like below:

  5. Set argument output-file by replacing <OUTPUT_FILE>, e.g. volume.raw or volume.qcow2.

  6. Set argument output-format by replacing <OUTPUT_FORMAT>. The supported options are raw or qcow2.

  7. Set the S3 Credential Secret by replacing <S3_SECRET_NAME>, e.g. minio-secret.

    • The credential secret can be referenced here and must be created in the `longhorn-system’ namespace.
  8. Execute the yaml using e.g.:

     kubectl create -f restore.yaml
  9. Watch the result using:

     kubectl -n longhorn-system get pod restore-to-file -w

After the pod status changed to Completed, you should able to find <OUTPUT_FILE> at e.g. /tmp/restore on the <NODE_NAME>.

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