Accessing the UI

Prerequisites for Access and Authentication

These instructions assume that Longhorn is installed.

If you installed Longhorn YAML manifest, you’ll need to set up an Ingress controller to allow external traffic into the cluster, and authentication will not be enabled by default. This applies to Helm and kubectl installations. For information on creating an NGINX Ingress controller with basic authentication, refer to this section.

If Longhorn was installed as a Rancher catalog app, Rancher automatically created an Ingress controller for you with access control (the rancher-proxy).

Accessing the Longhorn UI

Once Longhorn has been installed in your Kubernetes cluster, you can access the UI dashboard.

  1. Get the Longhorn’s external service IP:

    kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc

    For Longhorn v0.8.0, the output should look like this, and the CLUSTER-IP of the longhorn-frontend is used to access the Longhorn UI:

    NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
    longhorn-backend    ClusterIP   <none>           9500/TCP       58m
    longhorn-frontend   ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         58m

    In the example above, the is

    For Longhorn prior to v0.8.0, the output should look like this, and the EXTERNAL-IP of the longhorn-frontend is used to access the Longhorn UI:

    NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
    longhorn-backend    ClusterIP   <none>           9500/TCP       58m
    longhorn-frontend   LoadBalancer  80:30697/TCP   58m

    In the example above, the is

    For Longhorn v0.8.0+, UI service type changed from LoadBalancer to ClusterIP.

  2. Navigate to the IP of longhorn-frontend in your browser.

    The Longhorn UI looks like this:

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