Backup Longhorn System

Longhorn System Backup Bundle

Longhorn system backup creates a resource bundle and uploads it to the remote backup target.

It includes below resources associating with the Longhorn system:

  • BackingImages
  • ClusterRoles
  • ClusterRoleBindings
  • ConfigMaps
  • CustomResourceDefinitions
  • DaemonSets
  • Deployments
  • EngineImages
  • PersistentVolumes
  • PersistentVolumeClaims
  • RecurringJobs
  • Roles
  • RoleBindings
  • Settings
  • Services
  • ServiceAccounts
  • StorageClasses
  • Volumes


  • The default backup target (default) is always used to store system backups.
  • The Longhorn system backup bundle only includes resources operated by Longhorn.
  • Longhorn does not back up the Nodes resource. The Longhorn Manager on the target cluster is responsible for creating its own Longhorn Node custom resources.
  • Longhorn is unable to back up V2 Data Engine backing images.

Here is an example of a cluster workload with a bare Pod workload. The system backup will collect the PersistentVolumeClaim, PersistentVolume, and Volume. The system backup will exclude the Pod during system backup resource collection.

Create Longhorn System Backup

You can create a Longhorn system backup using the Longhorn UI. Or with the kubectl command.


  • Set the backup target. Longhorn saves the system backups to the remote backup store. You will see an error during creation when the backup target is unset.

    Note: Unsetting the backup target clears the existing SystemBackup custom resource. Longhorn syncs to the remote backup store after setting the backup target. Another cluster can also sync to the same list of system backups when the backup target is the same.

  • Create a backup for all volumes (optional).

    Note: Longhorn system restores volume with the latest backup. We recommend updating the last backup for all volumes. By taking volume backups, you ensure that the data is up-to-date with the system backup. For more information, please refer to the Configuration - Volume Backup Policy section.


Volume Backup Policy

The Longhorn system backup offers the following volume backup policies:

  • if-not-present: Longhorn will create a backup for volumes that either lack an existing backup or have an outdated latest backup.
  • always: Longhorn will create a backup for all volumes, regardless of their existing backups.
  • disabled: Longhorn will not create any backups for volumes.

Single Execution

Create a System Backup Using the Longhorn UI

  1. Go to the System Backup page in the Setting drop-down list.

  2. Click Create under System Backup.

  3. Give a Name for the system backup.

  4. Select a Volume Backup Policy for the system backup.

  5. The system backup will be ready to use when the state changes to Ready.

Create a System Backup Using kubectl

  1. Execute kubectl create to create a Longhorn SystemBackup custom resource.

    kind: SystemBackup
      name: demo
      namespace: longhorn-system
      volumeBackupPolicy: if-not-present
  2. The system backup will be ready to use when the state changes to Ready.

    > kubectl -n longhorn-system get systembackup
    demo   v1.4.0    Ready   2022-11-24T04:23:24Z

Recurring Job

Create a Recurring Backup Job Using the Longhorn UI

  1. Go to the Recurring Job page.

  2. Click on Create Recurring Job.

  3. Configure the following settings:

    • Name: Specify a name for the recurring job.
    • Task: Select System Backup.
    • Retain: Specify the number of system backups that Longhorn must retain.
    • Cron: Specify the cron expression (a string consisting of fields separated by whitespace characters) that defines the schedule properties.
    • Parameters: Select volume-backup-policy.
  4. Click OK.

Longhorn creates system backups according to the schedule defined in the Cron field.

Create a Recurring Backup Job Using kubectl

Run kubectl create to create a Longhorn RecurringJob custom resource with the task system-backup.


kind: RecurringJob
  name: demo
  namespace: longhorn-system
  task: system-backup
  cron: '* * * * *'
  retain: 1
    volume-backup-policy: if-not-present

Longhorn creates system backup according to the schedule defined in the cron field.

Delete Longhorn System Backup

You can delete the Longhorn system backup in the remote backup target using the Longhorn UI. Or with the kubectl command.

Delete a System Backup Using the Longhorn UI

  1. Go to the System Backup page in the Setting drop-down list.

  2. Delete a single system backup in the Operation drop-down menu next to the system backup. Or delete in batch with the Delete button.

    Note: Deleting the system backup will also make a deletion in the backup store.

Delete a System Backup Using kubectl

  1. Execute kubectl delete to delete a Longhorn SystemBackup custom resource.
    > kubectl -n longhorn-system get systembackup
    demo   v1.4.0    Ready   2022-11-24T04:23:24Z
    > kubectl -n longhorn-system delete systembackup/demo "demo" deleted


Original Feature Request

Available since v1.4.0

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