Document Conventions

Release Labels

Each minor release is supported until the next minor release becomes stable.

  • Dev: The software is under active development and has not been thoroughly tested. Upgrading from earlier releases or to later releases is not supported. “Dev” releases typically occur at the end of a sprint, and may occur when other definitions of done are met. Given the unofficial nature of the release, use the software only for testing purposes.

  • Latest: The software has passed all stages of verification and testing. All remaining known issues are considered acceptable. Use the software only for testing purposes.

  • Stable: The software is considered reliable and free of critical issues. This release is recommended for general use.

  • EOL: The software has reached the end of its useful life and no further code-level maintenance is provided. You may continue to use the software within the terms of the licensing agreement. Upgrading to a stable release is recommended.


Longhorn provides documentation for new features, enhancements, and bug fixes implemented in major, minor, and patch releases.

Feature Labels

Features that are labeled Experimental and Technical Preview provide glimpses into upcoming innovations and offer opportunities to test new technologies within your environment.

  • Experimental: The feature is incomplete but its essential functionality is operational. Tests in a controlled environment have shown that it can coexist with existing stable features. Because of the missing components and/or evolving functionality, the feature is not recommended for use in production environments.

  • Technical Preview: The feature is almost complete and its functionality is not expected to change significantly. Tests in a controlled environment have shown that it can coexist with existing stable features. Explore the feature extensively before using in production environments.

These features have the following limitations:

  • Still in development and may be functionally incomplete, unstable, or in other ways unsuitable for production use.
  • Not supported.
  • May only be available for specific hardware architectures. Details and functionality are subject to change. As a result, upgrading to subsequent releases may be impossible and may require a fresh installation.
  • Can be removed from the product at any time. This may occur, for example, if we discover that the feature does not meet customer or market needs, or does not comply with enterprise standards.


Experimental and Technical Preview features are usually disabled by default. The documentation provides information about how you can enable and configure such features.


Admonitions are text blocks that provide additional or important information. Each text block is marked with a special label and icon.

  • Note: Additional information that is useful but not critical.

  • Important: Information that requires special attention, such as changes in product behavior.

  • Tip: Helpful advice and suggestions, such as alternative methods of completing a task.

  • Caution: Information that must be considered before proceeding with specific actions, such as errors that may occur.

  • Warning: Critical information about harmful consequences, such as irreversible damage and data loss.

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