Helm Values


The values.yaml file contains items used to tweak a deployment of this chart.

Cattle Settings

global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistrystring""Default system registry.
global.cattle.windowsCluster.defaultSetting.systemManagedComponentsNodeSelectorstring"kubernetes.io/os:linux"Node selector for system-managed Longhorn components.
global.cattle.windowsCluster.defaultSetting.taintTolerationstring"cattle.io/os=linux:NoSchedule"Toleration for system-managed Longhorn components.
global.cattle.windowsCluster.enabledboolfalseSetting that allows Longhorn to run on a Rancher Windows cluster.
global.cattle.windowsCluster.nodeSelectorobject{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"}Node selector for Linux nodes that can run user-deployed Longhorn components.
global.cattle.windowsCluster.tolerationslist[{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"cattle.io/os","operator":"Equal","value":"linux"}]Toleration for Linux nodes that can run user-deployed Longhorn components.

Network Policies

networkPolicies.enabledboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable network policies that control access to Longhorn pods.
networkPolicies.typestring"k3s"Distribution that determines the policy for allowing access for an ingress. (Options: “k3s”, “rke2”, “rke1”)

Image Settings

image.csi.attacher.repositorystring"longhornio/csi-attacher"Repository for the CSI attacher image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.attacher.tagstring"v4.4.2"Tag for the CSI attacher image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.livenessProbe.repositorystring"longhornio/livenessprobe"Repository for the CSI liveness probe image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.livenessProbe.tagstring"v2.12.0"Tag for the CSI liveness probe image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.nodeDriverRegistrar.repositorystring"longhornio/csi-node-driver-registrar"Repository for the CSI Node Driver Registrar image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.nodeDriverRegistrar.tagstring"v2.9.2"Tag for the CSI Node Driver Registrar image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.provisioner.repositorystring"longhornio/csi-provisioner"Repository for the CSI Provisioner image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.provisioner.tagstring"v3.6.2"Tag for the CSI Provisioner image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.resizer.repositorystring"longhornio/csi-resizer"Repository for the CSI Resizer image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.resizer.tagstring"v1.9.2"Tag for the CSI Resizer image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.snapshotter.repositorystring"longhornio/csi-snapshotter"Repository for the CSI Snapshotter image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.csi.snapshotter.tagstring"v6.3.2"Tag for the CSI Snapshotter image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.longhorn.backingImageManager.repositorystring"longhornio/backing-image-manager"Repository for the Backing Image Manager image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.longhorn.backingImageManager.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Backing Image Manager image. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
image.longhorn.engine.repositorystring"longhornio/longhorn-engine"Repository for the Longhorn Engine image.
image.longhorn.engine.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Longhorn Engine image.
image.longhorn.instanceManager.repositorystring"longhornio/longhorn-instance-manager"Repository for the Longhorn Instance Manager image.
image.longhorn.instanceManager.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Longhorn Instance Manager image.
image.longhorn.manager.repositorystring"longhornio/longhorn-manager"Repository for the Longhorn Manager image.
image.longhorn.manager.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Longhorn Manager image.
image.longhorn.shareManager.repositorystring"longhornio/longhorn-share-manager"Repository for the Longhorn Share Manager image.
image.longhorn.shareManager.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Longhorn Share Manager image.
image.longhorn.supportBundleKit.repositorystring"longhornio/support-bundle-kit"Repository for the Longhorn Support Bundle Manager image.
image.longhorn.supportBundleKit.tagstring"v0.0.37"Tag for the Longhorn Support Bundle Manager image.
image.longhorn.ui.repositorystring"longhornio/longhorn-ui"Repository for the Longhorn UI image.
image.longhorn.ui.tagstring"master-head"Tag for the Longhorn UI image.
image.openshift.oauthProxy.repositorystring""Repository for the OAuth Proxy image. Specify the upstream image (for example, “quay.io/openshift/origin-oauth-proxy”). This setting applies only to OpenShift users.
image.openshift.oauthProxy.tagfloat""Tag for the OAuth Proxy image. Specify OCP/OKD version 4.1 or later (including version 4.15, which is available at quay.io/openshift/origin-oauth-proxy:4.15). This setting applies only to OpenShift users.
image.pullPolicystring"IfNotPresent"Image pull policy that applies to all user-deployed Longhorn components, such as Longhorn Manager, Longhorn driver, and Longhorn UI.

Service Settings

service.manager.nodePortNodePort port number for Longhorn Manager. When unspecified, Longhorn selects a free port between 30000 and 32767.
service.manager.typeService type for Longhorn Manager.
service.ui.nodePortNodePort port number for Longhorn UI. When unspecified, Longhorn selects a free port between 30000 and 32767.
service.ui.typeService type for Longhorn UI. (Options: “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, “Rancher-Proxy”)

StorageClass Settings

persistence.backingImage.dataSourceParametersstringnilData source parameters of a backing image used in a Longhorn StorageClass. You can specify a JSON string of a map. (Example: '{\"url\":\"https://backing-image-example.s3-region.amazonaws.com/test-backing-image\"}')
persistence.backingImage.dataSourceTypestringnilData source type of a backing image used in a Longhorn StorageClass. If the backing image exists in the cluster, Longhorn uses this setting to verify the image. If the backing image does not exist, Longhorn creates one using the specified data source type.
persistence.backingImage.enableboolfalseSetting that allows you to use a backing image in a Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.backingImage.expectedChecksumstringnilExpected SHA-512 checksum of a backing image used in a Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.backingImage.namestringnilBacking image to be used for creating and restoring volumes in a Longhorn StorageClass. When no backing images are available, specify the data source type and parameters that Longhorn can use to create a backing image.
persistence.defaultClassbooltrueSetting that allows you to specify the default Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.defaultClassReplicaCountint3Replica count of the default Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.defaultDataLocalitystring"disabled"Data locality of the default Longhorn StorageClass. (Options: “disabled”, “best-effort”)
persistence.defaultFsTypestring"ext4"Filesystem type of the default Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.defaultMkfsParamsstring""mkfs parameters of the default Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.defaultNodeSelector.enableboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable the node selector for the default Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.defaultNodeSelector.selectorstring""Node selector for the default Longhorn StorageClass. Longhorn uses only nodes with the specified tags for storing volume data. (Examples: “storage,fast”)
persistence.disableRevisionCounterstring"true"Setting that disables the revision counter and thereby prevents Longhorn from tracking all write operations to a volume. When salvaging a volume, Longhorn uses properties of the volume-head-xxx.img file (the last file size and the last time the file was modified) to select the replica to be used for volume recovery.
persistence.migratableboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable live migration of a Longhorn volume from one node to another.
persistence.nfsOptionsstring""Set NFS mount options for Longhorn StorageClass for RWX volumes
persistence.reclaimPolicystring"Delete"Reclaim policy that provides instructions for handling of a volume after its claim is released. (Options: “Retain”, “Delete”)
persistence.recurringJobSelector.enableboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable the recurring job selector for a Longhorn StorageClass.
persistence.recurringJobSelector.jobListlist[]Recurring job selector for a Longhorn StorageClass. Ensure that quotes are used correctly when specifying job parameters. (Example: [{"name":"backup", "isGroup":true}])
persistence.removeSnapshotsDuringFilesystemTrimstring"ignored"Setting that allows you to enable automatic snapshot removal during filesystem trim for a Longhorn StorageClass. (Options: “ignored”, “enabled”, “disabled”)

CSI Settings

csi.attacherReplicaCountReplica count of the CSI Attacher. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value (“3”).
csi.kubeletRootDirkubelet root directory. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value.
csi.provisionerReplicaCountReplica count of the CSI Provisioner. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value (“3”).
csi.resizerReplicaCountReplica count of the CSI Resizer. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value (“3”).
csi.snapshotterReplicaCountReplica count of the CSI Snapshotter. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default value (“3”).

Longhorn Manager Settings

Longhorn consists of user-deployed components (for example, Longhorn Manager, Longhorn Driver, and Longhorn UI) and system-managed components (for example, Instance Manager, Backing Image Manager, Share Manager, CSI Driver, and Engine Image). The following settings only apply to Longhorn Manager.

longhornManager.log.formatstring"plain"Format of Longhorn Manager logs. (Options: “plain”, “json”)
longhornManager.nodeSelectorobject{}Node selector for Longhorn Manager. Specify the nodes allowed to run Longhorn Manager.
longhornManager.priorityClassstring"longhorn-critical"PriorityClass for Longhorn Manager.
longhornManager.serviceAnnotationsobject{}Annotation for the Longhorn Manager service.
longhornManager.tolerationslist[]Toleration for Longhorn Manager on nodes allowed to run Longhorn Manager.

Longhorn Driver Settings

Longhorn consists of user-deployed components (for example, Longhorn Manager, Longhorn Driver, and Longhorn UI) and system-managed components (for example, Instance Manager, Backing Image Manager, Share Manager, CSI Driver, and Engine Image). The following settings only apply to Longhorn Driver.

longhornDriver.nodeSelectorobject{}Node selector for Longhorn Driver. Specify the nodes allowed to run Longhorn Driver.
longhornDriver.priorityClassstring"longhorn-critical"PriorityClass for Longhorn Driver.
longhornDriver.tolerationslist[]Toleration for Longhorn Driver on nodes allowed to run Longhorn components.

Longhorn UI Settings

Longhorn consists of user-deployed components (for example, Longhorn Manager, Longhorn Driver, and Longhorn UI) and system-managed components (for example, Instance Manager, Backing Image Manager, Share Manager, CSI Driver, and Engine Image). The following settings only apply to Longhorn UI.

longhornUI.nodeSelectorobject{}Node selector for Longhorn UI. Specify the nodes allowed to run Longhorn UI.
longhornUI.priorityClassstring"longhorn-critical"PriorityClass for Longhorn UI.
longhornUI.replicasint2Replica count for Longhorn UI.
longhornUI.tolerationslist[]Toleration for Longhorn UI on nodes allowed to run Longhorn components.

Ingress Settings

ingress.annotationsstringnilIngress annotations in the form of key-value pairs.
ingress.enabledboolfalseSetting that allows Longhorn to generate ingress records for the Longhorn UI service.
ingress.hoststring"sslip.io"Hostname of the Layer 7 load balancer.
ingress.ingressClassNamestringnilIngressClass resource that contains ingress configuration, including the name of the Ingress controller. ingressClassName can replace the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation used in earlier Kubernetes releases.
ingress.pathstring"/"Default ingress path. You can access the Longhorn UI by following the full ingress path {{host}}+{{path}}.
ingress.pathTypestring"ImplementationSpecific"Ingress path type. To maintain backward compatibility, the default value is “ImplementationSpecific”.
ingress.secretsstringnilSecret that contains a TLS private key and certificate. Use secrets if you want to use your own certificates to secure ingresses.
ingress.secureBackendsboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable secure connections to the Longhorn UI service via port 443.
ingress.tlsboolfalseSetting that allows you to enable TLS on ingress records.
ingress.tlsSecretstring"longhorn.local-tls"TLS secret that contains the private key and certificate to be used for TLS. This setting applies only when TLS is enabled on ingress records.

Private Registry Settings

You can install Longhorn in an air-gapped environment with a private registry. For more information, see the Air Gap Installation section of the documentation.

privateRegistry.createSecretSetting that allows you to create a private registry secret.
privateRegistry.registryPasswdPassword for authenticating with a private registry.
privateRegistry.registrySecretKubernetes secret that allows you to pull images from a private registry. This setting applies only when creation of private registry secrets is enabled. You must include the private registry name in the secret name.
privateRegistry.registryUrlURL of a private registry. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the default system registry.
privateRegistry.registryUserUser account used for authenticating with a private registry.

Metrics Settings

metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabelsobject{}Additional labels for the Prometheus ServiceMonitor resource.
metrics.serviceMonitor.annotationsobject{}Annotations for the Prometheus ServiceMonitor resource.
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabledboolfalseSetting that allows the creation of a Prometheus ServiceMonitor resource for Longhorn Manager components.
metrics.serviceMonitor.intervalstring""Interval at which Prometheus scrapes the metrics from the target.
metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelingslist[]Configures the relabeling rules to apply to the samples before ingestion. See the Prometheus Operator documentation for formatting details.
metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelingslist[]Configures the relabeling rules to apply the target’s metadata labels. See the Prometheus Operator documentation for formatting details.
metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeoutstring""Timeout after which Prometheus considers the scrape to be failed.

OS/Kubernetes Distro Settings

OpenShift Settings

For more details, see the ocp-readme.

openshift.enabledboolfalseSetting that allows Longhorn to integrate with OpenShift.
openshift.ui.portint443Port for accessing the OpenShift web console.
openshift.ui.proxyint8443Port for proxy that provides access to the OpenShift web console.
openshift.ui.routestring"longhorn-ui"Route for connections between Longhorn and the OpenShift web console.

Other Settings

annotations{}Annotation for the Longhorn Manager DaemonSet pods. This setting is optional.
enableGoCoverDirfalseSetting that allows Longhorn to generate code coverage profiles.
enablePSPfalseSetting that allows you to enable pod security policies (PSPs) that allow privileged Longhorn pods to start. This setting applies only to clusters running Kubernetes 1.25 and earlier, and with the built-in Pod Security admission controller enabled.
namespaceOverride""Specify override namespace, specifically this is useful for using longhorn as sub-chart and its release namespace is not the longhorn-system.
preUpgradeChecker.jobEnabledtrueSetting that allows Longhorn to perform pre-upgrade checks. Disable this setting when installing Longhorn using Argo CD or other GitOps solutions.
preUpgradeChecker.upgradeVersionChecktrueSetting that allows Longhorn to perform upgrade version checks after starting the Longhorn Manager DaemonSet Pods. Disabling this setting also disables preUpgradeChecker.jobEnabled. Longhorn recommends keeping this setting enabled.

System Default Settings

During installation, you can either allow Longhorn to use the default system settings or use specific flags to modify the default values. After installation, you can modify the settings using the Longhorn UI. For more information, see the Settings Reference section of the documentation.

defaultSettings.allowCollectingLonghornUsageMetricsSetting that allows Longhorn to periodically collect anonymous usage data for product improvement purposes. Longhorn sends collected data to the Upgrade Responder server, which is the data source of the Longhorn Public Metrics Dashboard (https://metrics.longhorn.io). The Upgrade Responder server does not store data that can be used to identify clients, including IP addresses.
defaultSettings.allowEmptyDiskSelectorVolumeSetting that allows scheduling of empty disk selector volumes to any disk.
defaultSettings.allowEmptyNodeSelectorVolumeSetting that allows scheduling of empty node selector volumes to any node.
defaultSettings.allowRecurringJobWhileVolumeDetachedSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically attach a volume and create snapshots or backups when recurring jobs are run.
defaultSettings.allowVolumeCreationWithDegradedAvailabilitySetting that allows you to create and attach a volume without having all replicas scheduled at the time of creation.
defaultSettings.autoCleanupRecurringJobBackupSnapshotSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically clean up the snapshot generated by a recurring backup job.
defaultSettings.autoCleanupSystemGeneratedSnapshotSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically clean up the system-generated snapshot after replica rebuilding is completed.
defaultSettings.autoDeletePodWhenVolumeDetachedUnexpectedlySetting that allows Longhorn to automatically delete a workload pod that is managed by a controller (for example, daemonset) whenever a Longhorn volume is detached unexpectedly (for example, during Kubernetes upgrades). After deletion, the controller restarts the pod and then Kubernetes handles volume reattachment and remounting.
defaultSettings.autoSalvageSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically salvage volumes when all replicas become faulty (for example, when the network connection is interrupted). Longhorn determines which replicas are usable and then uses these replicas for the volume. This setting is enabled by default.
defaultSettings.backingImageCleanupWaitIntervalNumber of minutes that Longhorn waits before cleaning up the backing image file when no replicas in the disk are using it.
defaultSettings.backingImageRecoveryWaitIntervalNumber of seconds that Longhorn waits before downloading a backing image file again when the status of all image disk files changes to “failed” or “unknown”.
defaultSettings.backupCompressionMethodSetting that allows you to specify a backup compression method.
defaultSettings.backupConcurrentLimitMaximum number of worker threads that can concurrently run for each backup.
defaultSettings.backupTargetEndpoint used to access the backupstore. (Options: “NFS”, “CIFS”, “AWS”, “GCP”, “AZURE”)
defaultSettings.backupTargetCredentialSecretName of the Kubernetes secret associated with the backup target.
defaultSettings.backupstorePollIntervalNumber of seconds that Longhorn waits before checking the backupstore for new backups. The default value is “300”. When the value is “0”, polling is disabled.
defaultSettings.concurrentAutomaticEngineUpgradePerNodeLimitMaximum number of engines that are allowed to concurrently upgrade on each node after Longhorn Manager is upgraded. When the value is “0”, Longhorn does not automatically upgrade volume engines to the new default engine image version.
defaultSettings.concurrentReplicaRebuildPerNodeLimitMaximum number of replicas that can be concurrently rebuilt on each node.
defaultSettings.concurrentVolumeBackupRestorePerNodeLimitMaximum number of volumes that can be concurrently restored on each node using a backup. When the value is “0”, restoration of volumes using a backup is disabled.
defaultSettings.createDefaultDiskLabeledNodesSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically create a default disk only on nodes with the label “node.longhorn.io/create-default-disk=true” (if no other disks exist). When this setting is disabled, Longhorn creates a default disk on each node that is added to the cluster.
defaultSettings.defaultDataLocalityDefault data locality. A Longhorn volume has data locality if a local replica of the volume exists on the same node as the pod that is using the volume.
defaultSettings.defaultDataPathDefault path for storing data on a host. The default value is “/var/lib/longhorn/".
defaultSettings.defaultLonghornStaticStorageClassDefault Longhorn StorageClass. “storageClassName” is assigned to PVs and PVCs that are created for an existing Longhorn volume. “storageClassName” can also be used as a label, so it is possible to use a Longhorn StorageClass to bind a workload to an existing PV without creating a Kubernetes StorageClass object. The default value is “longhorn-static”.
defaultSettings.defaultReplicaCountDefault number of replicas for volumes created using the Longhorn UI. For Kubernetes configuration, modify the numberOfReplicas field in the StorageClass. The default value is “3”.
defaultSettings.deletingConfirmationFlagFlag that prevents accidental uninstallation of Longhorn.
defaultSettings.detachManuallyAttachedVolumesWhenCordonedSetting that allows automatic detaching of manually-attached volumes when a node is cordoned.
defaultSettings.disableRevisionCounterSetting that disables the revision counter and thereby prevents Longhorn from tracking all write operations to a volume. When salvaging a volume, Longhorn uses properties of the “volume-head-xxx.img” file (the last file size and the last time the file was modified) to select the replica to be used for volume recovery. This setting applies only to volumes created using the Longhorn UI.
defaultSettings.disableSchedulingOnCordonedNodeSetting that prevents Longhorn Manager from scheduling replicas on a cordoned Kubernetes node. This setting is enabled by default.
defaultSettings.disableSnapshotPurgeSetting that temporarily prevents all attempts to purge volume snapshots.
defaultSettings.engineReplicaTimeoutTimeout between the Longhorn Engine and replicas. Specify a value between “8” and “30” seconds. The default value is “8”.
defaultSettings.failedBackupTTLNumber of minutes that Longhorn keeps a failed backup resource. When the value is “0”, automatic deletion is disabled.
defaultSettings.fastReplicaRebuildEnabledSetting that allows fast rebuilding of replicas using the checksum of snapshot disk files. Before enabling this setting, you must set the snapshot-data-integrity value to “enable” or “fast-check”.
defaultSettings.freezeFilesystemForSnapshotSetting that freezes the filesystem on the root partition before a snapshot is created.
defaultSettings.guaranteedInstanceManagerCPUPercentage of the total allocatable CPU resources on each node to be reserved for each instance manager pod when the V1 Data Engine is enabled. The default value is “12”.
defaultSettings.kubernetesClusterAutoscalerEnabledSetting that notifies Longhorn that the cluster is using the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.
defaultSettings.logLevelLog levels that indicate the type and severity of logs in Longhorn Manager. The default value is “Info”. (Options: “Panic”, “Fatal”, “Error”, “Warn”, “Info”, “Debug”, “Trace”)
defaultSettings.longGRPCTimeOutNumber of seconds that Longhorn allows for the completion of replica rebuilding and snapshot cloning operations.
defaultSettings.nodeDownPodDeletionPolicyPolicy that defines the action Longhorn takes when a volume is stuck with a StatefulSet or Deployment pod on a node that failed.
defaultSettings.nodeDrainPolicyPolicy that defines the action Longhorn takes when a node with the last healthy replica of a volume is drained.
defaultSettings.orphanAutoDeletionSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically delete an orphaned resource and the corresponding data (for example, stale replicas). Orphaned resources on failed or unknown nodes are not automatically cleaned up.
defaultSettings.priorityClassPriorityClass for system-managed Longhorn components. This setting can help prevent Longhorn components from being evicted under Node Pressure. Notice that this will be applied to Longhorn user-deployed components by default if there are no priority class values set yet, such as longhornManager.priorityClass.
defaultSettings.recurringFailedJobsHistoryLimitMaximum number of failed recurring backup and snapshot jobs to be retained. When the value is “0”, a history of failed recurring jobs is not retained.
defaultSettings.recurringJobMaxRetentionMaximum number of snapshots or backups to be retained.
defaultSettings.recurringSuccessfulJobsHistoryLimitMaximum number of successful recurring backup and snapshot jobs to be retained. When the value is “0”, a history of successful recurring jobs is not retained.
defaultSettings.removeSnapshotsDuringFilesystemTrimSetting that allows Longhorn to automatically mark the latest snapshot and its parent files as removed during a filesystem trim. Longhorn does not remove snapshots containing multiple child files.
defaultSettings.replicaAutoBalanceSetting that automatically rebalances replicas when an available node is discovered.
defaultSettings.replicaDiskSoftAntiAffinitySetting that allows scheduling on disks with existing healthy replicas of the same volume. This setting is enabled by default.
defaultSettings.replicaFileSyncHttpClientTimeoutNumber of seconds that an HTTP client waits for a response from a File Sync server before considering the connection to have failed.
defaultSettings.replicaReplenishmentWaitIntervalNumber of seconds that Longhorn waits before reusing existing data on a failed replica instead of creating a new replica of a degraded volume.
defaultSettings.replicaSoftAntiAffinitySetting that allows scheduling on nodes with healthy replicas of the same volume. This setting is disabled by default.
defaultSettings.replicaZoneSoftAntiAffinitySetting that allows Longhorn to schedule new replicas of a volume to nodes in the same zone as existing healthy replicas. Nodes that do not belong to any zone are treated as existing in the zone that contains healthy replicas. When identifying zones, Longhorn relies on the label “topology.kubernetes.io/zone=” in the Kubernetes node object.
defaultSettings.restoreConcurrentLimitMaximum number of worker threads that can concurrently run for each restore operation.
defaultSettings.restoreVolumeRecurringJobsSetting that restores recurring jobs from a backup volume on a backup target and creates recurring jobs if none exist during backup restoration.
defaultSettings.snapshotDataIntegritySetting that allows you to enable and disable snapshot hashing and data integrity checks.
defaultSettings.snapshotDataIntegrityCronjobSetting that defines when Longhorn checks the integrity of data in snapshot disk files. You must use the Unix cron expression format.
defaultSettings.snapshotDataIntegrityImmediateCheckAfterSnapshotCreationSetting that allows disabling of snapshot hashing after snapshot creation to minimize impact on system performance.
defaultSettings.snapshotMaxCountMaximum snapshot count for a volume. The value should be between 2 to 250
defaultSettings.storageMinimalAvailablePercentagePercentage of minimum available disk capacity. When the minimum available capacity exceeds the total available capacity, the disk becomes unschedulable until more space is made available for use. The default value is “25”.
defaultSettings.storageNetworkStorage network for in-cluster traffic. When unspecified, Longhorn uses the Kubernetes cluster network.
defaultSettings.storageOverProvisioningPercentagePercentage of storage that can be allocated relative to hard drive capacity. The default value is “100”.
defaultSettings.storageReservedPercentageForDefaultDiskPercentage of disk space that is not allocated to the default disk on each new Longhorn node.
defaultSettings.supportBundleFailedHistoryLimitMaximum number of failed support bundles that can exist in the cluster. When the value is “0”, Longhorn automatically purges all failed support bundles.
defaultSettings.systemManagedComponentsNodeSelectorNode selector for system-managed Longhorn components.
defaultSettings.systemManagedPodsImagePullPolicyImage pull policy for system-managed pods, such as Instance Manager, engine images, and CSI Driver. Changes to the image pull policy are applied only after the system-managed pods restart.
defaultSettings.taintTolerationTaint or toleration for system-managed Longhorn components. Specify values using a semicolon-separated list in kubectl taint syntax (Example: key1=value1:effect; key2=value2:effect).
defaultSettings.upgradeCheckerUpgrade Checker that periodically checks for new Longhorn versions. When a new version is available, a notification appears on the Longhorn UI. This setting is enabled by default
defaultSettings.v1DataEngineSetting that allows you to enable the V1 Data Engine.
defaultSettings.v2DataEngineSetting that allows you to enable the V2 Data Engine, which is based on the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK). The V2 Data Engine is a preview feature and should not be used in production environments.
defaultSettings.v2DataEngineGuaranteedInstanceManagerCPUNumber of millicpus on each node to be reserved for each Instance Manager pod when the V2 Data Engine is enabled. The default value is “1250”.
defaultSettings.v2DataEngineHugepageLimitSetting that allows you to configure maximum huge page size (in MiB) for the V2 Data Engine.
defaultSettings.v2DataEngineLogFlagsSetting that allows you to configure the log flags of the SPDK target daemon (spdk_tgt) of the V2 Data Engine.
defaultSettings.v2DataEngineLogLevelSetting that allows you to configure the log level of the SPDK target daemon (spdk_tgt) of the V2 Data Engine.
defaultSettings.autoCleanupSnapshotWhenDeleteBackupSetting that automatically cleans up the snapshot when the backup is deleted.

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