Command Line Tool (longhornctl)

Command line interface (CLI) for Longhorn operations and troubleshooting.

The longhornctl tool is a CLI interface to Longhorn operations. It interacts with Longhorn by creating Kubernetes Custom Resources (CRs) and executing commands inside a dedicated Pod for in-cluster and host operations.

Common usage scenarios

  • Installation:
    • longhornctl install preflight: Perform preflight dependencies installation and setup before installing Longhorn.
  • Operations:
    • longhornctl export replica: Extract data from a Longhorn replica data directory to a designated directory on its host machine. This is useful for recovering data when Longhorn is unavailable.
    • longhornctl trim volume: Reclaim unused storage space within a Longhorn volume.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • longhornctl check preflight: Identifies potential issues before usage.
    • longhornctl get replica: Retrieve details about Longhorn replicas on the host.


For more information about the available commands, see this document in the GitHub repository, or run longhornctl help in your terminal.

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