Restore from a Backup

Longhorn can easily restore backups to a volume.

For more information on how backups work, refer to the concepts section.

When you restore a backup, it creates a volume of the same name by default. If a volume with the same name as the backup already exists, the backup will not be restored.

To restore a backup,

  1. Navigate to the Backup. menu
  2. Select the backup(s) you wish to restore and click Restore Latest Backup.
  3. In the Name field, select the volume you wish to restore.
  4. Click OK.

You can then create the PV/PVC from the volume after restoring a volume from a backup. Here you can specify the storageClassName or leave it empty to use the storageClassName inherited from the PVC of the backup volume. The StorageClass should be already in the cluster to prevent any further issue.

Result: The restored volume is available on the Volume page.

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